Netkent University

Management Information Systems Engineering (MIS)


The main purpose of the Information Systems and Management (MIS) program is to prepare its graduates for the IT expertise jobs that companies need. Graduates will be able to analyze business problems, determine information system-based solutions suitable for their needs and adapt these solutions.

Management Information Systems (MIS) provide information to support the process operation, management and decision-making functions of an enterprise, and include human-process-technology integrity. MIS establishes the structure to obtain the information in the enterprise through computer systems and uses this information to produce solutions to the problems in management and business areas. The system uses hardware, software, analysis, planning, control and decision-making models and databases.

Graduates will be able to work in software projects manager, data analyst, system analyst, consultant, programmer, system administrator, database administrator and similar positions in the international business area.

Academic Program

1. Term
LNG101 English Language I 3
English Language I
TEME101 Nature, Science, Human I 6
Nature, Science, Human I
TEME103 Society, Science, Human I 6
Society, Science, Human I
ENGE101 Mathematics I 5
Mathematics I
ENGE111 Physics I 5
Physics I
ENGE121 Introduction to Programming 5
Introduction to Programming
2. Term
LNG102 English Language II 3
English Language II
TEME102 Nature, Science, Human II 6
Nature, Science, Human II
GEN132 Türk Dili II (Edebiyat, Toplum, İnsan II) 3
Bu derste, Türkçenin edebî yönü üzerinde durulacaktır. Şiir, bilgilendirici metin ve öyküleyici metinler üzerinde durulacaktır. Öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlama, okuduğunu anlama ve sözlü anlatım becerilerinin geliştirilmesi çalışmaları yürütülecektir. Ele alınacak temel konular şunlardır: Türkçeyi doğru kullanma, mesleki veya meslekdışı metinleri sorunsuz okuyabilme, edebî metinleri okuma, okuduğunu anlama stratejilerini uygulama, dinlediğini anlama stratejilerini kullanabilme, başarılı sözlü anlatım.
ENGE102 Mathematics II 5
Mathematics II
ENGE112 Physics II 5
Physics II
ENGE122 Data Structures 5
Data Structures
3. Term
LNG201 English Language III 3
English Language III
ENGE201 Introduction to Computer&Software Engineering 5
Introduction to Computer&Software Engineering
ENGE211 Engineering Economics 3
Engineering Economics
ENGE221 Differential Equations 5
Differential Equations
ENGE231 Probability and Statistics 5
Probability and Statistics
ENGE241 Data Structures and Algorithms (C++) 5
Data Structures and Algorithms (C++)
ENGE251 Intorduction of Computer Networks 4
Intorduction of Computer Networks
4. Term
LNG202 English Language IV 3
English Language IV
ENGE202 Discrete Mathematics 5
Discrete Mathematics
ISL203 Business Administration 5
This course will be focused on the situation that Business Administration-Management has reached as a result of the stages it has taken from the past to the present. Necessary information about getting to know, establishing, and working in businesses, necessary information about rational institutionalism will be gained and discussions about the future will be made.
ENGE222 Object Oriented Programing I 5
Object Oriented Programing I
ENGE232 Algorithm Design and Analysis 5
Algorithm Design and Analysis
MUH272 Davranış Bilimleri 4
Davranış kavramı, davranış bilimi, davranış bilimlerinde metot, insan ihtiyaçları, sosyal statüde davranışın yeri, kültür ve davranış ilişkisi, kişilik ve davranış ilişkisi, güdüler, tutumlar, algılama, atfetme, öğrenme, kişilik, değerler, inançlar, kültür, duygular ve gruplar, motivasyon.
ENGE252 Ethical and Social Concepts in Information Systems 4
Ethical and Social Concepts in Information Systems
5. Term
LNG301 English Language V 3
English Language V
ENGE301 Object Oriented Programing II 5
Object Oriented Programing II
ENGE303 Corporate Knowledge Management I 5
Corporate Knowledge Management I
ENGE321 Web Programming I 4
Web Programming I
ENGE331 Database Systems 5
Database Systems
ENGE305 Accounting and Finance 6
Accounting and Finance
ENGE242 Fundamentals of Law for Engineers 3
Fundamentals of Law for Engineers
6. Term
LNG302 English Language VI 3
English Language VI
ISL 306 Marketing Management 6
An overview of marketing: development of marketing and marketing theory. An approach to competition in terms of game theory and marketing. Introduction to consumer behavior. Introduction to market segmentation. Organizational selling behavior. Marketing and consumer relations. Introduction to advertising. Brand creation and product development.
ENGE322 Web Programming II 4
Web Programming II
YBS224 Yöneylem Araştırması 5
Yöneylem Araştırması biliminin tarihçesi ve gelişimi, deterministik ve probabilistik modeller, model kurma ve problem çözme sanatı, matematik programlamada doğrusal programlamanın yeri, doğrusal karar modelleri, doğrusal karar modellerinin kurulumuna yönelik çalışmalar, doğrusal programlama modellerinin çözümü,
ENGE332 Linear Algebra 5
Linear Algebra
ENGE352 Analysis of Social Media and Web 5
Analysis of Social Media and Web
YBS214 Karar Destek Sistemleri 4
Rasyonel karar verme ve uygun bilgi desteği, karar destek sistemlerinin (KDS) bileşenleri: veri, bilgi, veri tabanları, veri tabanı yönetim sistemleri, bilgi tabanları, veri ambarları, kural/model tabanları, uzman sistem mekanizmaları ve belirsizlik faktörleri, sistem dinamikleri ve benzetişim, grup KDS, yönetici bilgi sistemleri, kullanıcı arayüz bileşenleri, KDS tasarımı, uygulaması ve değerlendirmesi.
7. Term
LNG401 English Language VII 3
English Language VII
ENGE481 Management and Organization 4
Management and Organization
ENGE491 Economic Analysis and Business Economics 5
Economic Analysis and Business Economics
ENGE411 Human and Computer Interaction 4
Human and Computer Interaction
ENGE431 Development of Mobile Applications I 4
Development of Mobile Applications I
ENGE441 IT Security I 4
IT Security I
ENGE451 Project Management in Engineering Systems 5
Project Management in Engineering Systems
8. Term
LNG402 English Language VIII 3
English Language VIII
ENGE432 E-Commerce Systems 5
E-Commerce Systems
YBS444 İş Dünyasında Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları 4
Pazarlamada Yapay Zeka, Bankacılıkta Yapay Zeka, Finansta Yapay Zeka, Tarımda Yapay Zeka, Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Yapay Zeka, Oyunlarda Yapay Zeka, Uzayda Yapay Zeka, Arabalarda Yapay Zeka, Sohbet Robotlarında Yapay Zeka, Yaratıcılıkta - Sanatta Yapay Zeka
ENGE442 IT Security II 4
IT Security II
YBS434 Stratejik Yönetim 4
Stratejik yönetimin temel konuları, stratejik karar verme, dış çevre ve endüstri analizi, iç çevre analizi, durum analizi ve iş stratejisi, kurumsal ve fonksiyonel stratejiler, strateji oluşturma, stratejilerin uygulanması, değerlendirme ve kontrol, ve insan kaynağının yönetilmesi gibi konuların incelenmesi ve iş stratejisi simulasyonunun uygulanması.
ENGE416 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IT 5
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IT
ENGE448 Graduation Project 5
Graduation Project

Academic Staff

Professor Tunçdan Baltacıoğlu

Professor Cengiz Metin

Professor Tayfun Turgay

Professor Özgür Ünal Eriş

Professor Narçin Palavan Ünsal

Associate Professor Muhammed Eyyüp Sallabaş

Dr. Selen Artan Bayhan

Lecturer Ceyda Cimilli Akaydın

Lecturer Gözde Küçükyılmaz

Lecturer Mustafa Cem Pehlivan
