Netkent University



Management undergraduate program focuses on basic functions that may be needed in the management of an enterprise from a global perspective mixed by both global and local points of view. In this context, future managers are given a clear understanding of the functions of an enterprise with an up-to-date approach together with the knowledge and the skills specific to these functions, as well as the ability to make business decisions. Besides the theory, practice is also examined via the most effective case studies in our program. Our aim is to add internationally effective graduates as a value into today’s business world, whereby communication and networking channels are needed intensively.

Academic Program

1. Term
LNG101 English Language I 3
English Language I
TEME101 Nature, Science, Human I 6
Nature, Science, Human I
TEME103 Society, Science, Human I 6
Society, Science, Human I
ENGE101 Mathematics I 5
Mathematics I
FINE101 Introduction to Economics I 6
Introduction to Economics I
HUK121 Hukuk Başlangıcı 4
1) Hukuk Ontolojisi, Hukukun fonksiyonları ve Objektifleştirici Kriterleri 2) Hukukun Değer Karakteri Olarak Adalet; Adaletin Tanımı ve Türleri 3) Hukuksal Bilginin Niteliği ve Bilim, Yakın Alanlarla Hukuk İlişkisi 4) Toplumsal Norm Kategorileri ve Hukuk İlişkisi 5) Din, Ahlak Örf ve Adaletle Hukukun Karşılaştırılması 6) Hukukun Kaynakları 7) Kamu Özel Hukuk Ayrımı ve Hukukun Dalları 8) Hukukun Yürürlüğü 9) Yargı Örgütü; Hukukun Uygulanması; Yapısal Açıdan Hukukun Uygulanması 10) İçerik Olarak Hukukun Uygulanması; Hukuk Normunun Yapısı, Özellikleri ve Çeşitleri 11) Hukukun Anlam Açısından Uygulanması; Pozitif Hukukun İçeriğinin Saptanması 12) Hukukun Yorumlanması, Yorum Çeşitleri 13) Hukukta Boşlukların Doldurulması; Boşluk Çeşitleri 14) Hukukun Geliştirilmesinde Kullanılan Diğer Yöntemler 15) Takdir Yetkisi, Hukuk Sistemleri; Anglo Amerikan Hukuku, İslam Hukuku, Kıta Avrupası Hukuku
2. Term
LNG102 English Language II 3
English Language II
TEME102 Nature, Science, Human II 6
Nature, Science, Human II
MUH272 Davranış Bilimleri 4
Davranış kavramı, davranış bilimi, davranış bilimlerinde metot, insan ihtiyaçları, sosyal statüde davranışın yeri, kültür ve davranış ilişkisi, kişilik ve davranış ilişkisi, güdüler, tutumlar, algılama, atfetme, öğrenme, kişilik, değerler, inançlar, kültür, duygular ve gruplar, motivasyon.
ENGE102 Mathematics II 5
Mathematics II
FINE102 Introduction to Economics II 6
Introduction to Economics II
3. Term
FIN201 Macro Economy 6
This course systematically examines national income, basic macroeconomic problems and policy tools, determination of income and price level, total income-total expenditures model, public budget and fiscal policy, monetary theory and policy, international finance, economic growth, and development.
ISL203 Business Administration 5
This course will be focused on the situation that Business Administration-Management has reached as a result of the stages it has taken from the past to the present. Necessary information about getting to know, establishing, and working in businesses, necessary information about rational institutionalism will be gained and discussions about the future will be made.
ISL201 Principles of Accounting 5
This course will focus on the conceptual structure, financial reporting principles, and technical structures of processes under the accounting system approach. Within this general structure, “Purpose, Scope, Method”; “The Essence of Accounting and Information System Approach”, “Generally Accepted Basic Concepts of Accounting”, “Accounting Process and Financial Statements”, “Financial Reporting Principles”, “Accounting Organization in Today's Environment” will be presented practically.
YBS203 Introduction to Statistics and Probability 5
In this course, the basic concepts that form the theoretical basis of statistical analysis will be discussed in practice, and students will be taught the main principles of statistical reasoning. The main topics to be covered are as follows: Sampling, the properties of various distributions and how they can be used, basic statistical analysis (will be taught together with the open source R program), contemporary problems of businesses and quantitative solution techniques for these problems (will be included in the contents of the applications to be carried out within the scope of the course).
LNG201 English Language III 3
English Language III
ISL205 Pazarlamanın Temel İlkeleri 6
Pazarlamanın Temel İlkeleri
4. Term
FIN202 Micro Economy 6
This course aims to learn the basic concepts and analysis techniques of microeconomics, the optimal choices of economic units, and the consequences of these choices.
ISL202 Management Accounting 5
The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of various accounting concepts and techniques within the framework of the role of providing information to managers for planning, control, and decision-making purposes. For this purpose, students are expected to have a good grasp of the interrelationships between behavioral economics and numerical applications and other factors that affect the management accounting activity, and it is aimed to develop their ability to use some important cost and management accounting techniques. The course content includes the analysis of various problems specific to costing systems, the use of accounting information in short- and long-term decision-making and capital expenditure decisions.
FIN206 Digital Economy 5
Understanding the concept of new economy in the 21st century, e-government, e-commerce, digital finance, digital banking, digital marketing and learning current concepts.
LNG202 English Language IV 3
English Language IV
ISL206 Dijital Pazarlama 6
Dijital Pazarlama
ISL204 Uygulamalı İstatistik 5
Uygulamalı İstatistik
5. Term
ISL301 Organizational Behavior 5
This course aims to explain the methods of behavioral sciences to students, present existing perspectives, and evaluate the factors affecting individual behavior in the workplace. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to examine and evaluate different approaches, critically evaluate theoretical approaches to individual behavior, and understand the factors that affect individuals in the workplace. In addition, relevant concepts and principles will be applied to the business world.
ISL303 Financial Management 5
In this course, the knowledge and methods of enterprises in financial management processes are analyzed in an analytical framework.
ISL305 Production Management 6
In this course, contemporary production management concepts and approaches will be examined with current case studies.
ISL307 International Business 6
This course describes the different environmental conditions in which international organizations are involved. The strategies developed by these organizations to increase their competitive power are learned through case studies and sample applications are carried out.
HUK311 Commercial Law I 5
The most important commercial business law concepts such as the concept of commercial enterprise, the transfer and pledge of a commercial enterprise, the concept of a trader, the terms and consequences of being a trader, the trade name, the trade registry, the merchant assistants, and the definition, elements, features, differences from common bonds, negotiable instruments forms of transfer and denunciations, bills of exchange, types, police, bills, checks, and related principles.
LNG301 English Language V 3
English Language V
6. Term
ISL302 Supply Chain Management 6
This course examines the concept of supply chain management and shows the importance of supply chain management. It is concerned with the management of the flow of information and goods throughout the production and distribution network at all stages from the supplier to the consumer.
ISL 306 Marketing Management 6
An overview of marketing: development of marketing and marketing theory. An approach to competition in terms of game theory and marketing. Introduction to consumer behavior. Introduction to market segmentation. Organizational selling behavior. Marketing and consumer relations. Introduction to advertising. Brand creation and product development.
ISL304 E-Commerce 5
This course focuses on concepts related to marketing and commerce practices on the internet in the digital business age. The definition/types of electronic commerce, its historical development, internet marketing and sales, internet marketing research, internet banking, and internet payment systems will be examined.
LNG302 English Language VI 3
English Language VI
HUK312 Ticaret Hukuku II 5
1) Ortaklık kavramı-unsurları, Adi Ortaklık 2) Ticaret Ortaklıklarına İlişkin Genel Hükümler 3) Ticaret Ortaklıklarında Birleşme ve Tür Değiştirme 4) Kollektif Ortaklıklar 5) Komandit Ortaklıklar 6) Anonim Ortaklıklar-Giriş-Anonim Ortaklığın Kuruluşu, Anonim Ortaklıkta Denetçiler, Anonim Ortaklık Genel Kurulu-Genel Kurul Toplantıları-Genel Kurulun İşleyişi-Genel Kurul Kararları ve Geçersizlik Halleri, Anonim Ortaklıkta Pay Kavramı, Anonim Ortaklık Pay Sahibinin Hak ve Borçları, Anonim Ortaklıkta Esas Sözleşme Değişiklikleri, Anonim Ortaklığın Sona Ermesi ve Tasfiye 7) Limited Ortaklıklar
ISL308 Marka Yönetimi 4
Marka Yönetimi
7. Term
ISL403 Strategy I 6
The basic concepts of game theory will be covered in this course. Market types such as basic market functioning, perfect competition, oligopolistic competition, and monopoly will be discussed. In this context, price competition and Bertrand paradox; Quantity competition, response functions, comparison of Bertrand and Cournot approaches are among the topics to be covered in this framework. While analyzing the market structure, market power will be examined by using concepts such as the C4 ratio, Herfindahl index, Lerner index.
ISL405 International Marketing 5
In this course, basic marketing concepts such as macro-environmental factors affecting international marketing strategies, marketing research, market segmentation, target marketing, positioning are discussed from an international marketing perspective. Learning strategies for entering international markets, marketing mix in international marketing, and how decisions are made are learned.
ISL407 International Finance 5
In this course, the management processes of multinational companies are examined from a financial perspective, within the framework of basic international finance theories. Within the framework of basic economics and financial principles used in international finance, knowledge is provided for international financial decision processes.
ISL409 Innovation Management 5
In this course, product and process innovation, innovation strategies, innovation resources, and innovation management will be examined.
LNG401 English Language VII 3
English Language VII
ISL491 Bitirme Projesi I 6
Bitirme Projesi I
8. Term
ISL404 Strateji II 6
Bu ders altında stratejik asimetriler aşağıdaki başlıklarla ele alınacaktır: a. Ölçek ekonomisinin kaynakları ve sonuçları, havayolu hubları gibi yığılım ekonomileri, öğrenme ve deneyim eğrileri vb. b. İşletme stratejileri: ilk olmanın avantajı, ölçeğe göre artan getiri, değer zincirleri analizi ve dikey bütünleşme, yatırım dışsallıkları ve perakende rekabeti, dikey bütünleşme ve işlem maliyetleri, rantlar. Devamı....
ISL406 Current Business Case Studies 5
In this course, contemporary business case studies of the 21st century will be evaluated from a historical perspective with a cause-effect relationship.
ISL408 Entrepreneurship 5
In this course, examinations and evaluations are made about the economic, legal, financial, behavioral, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of different types. Factors affecting entrepreneurship are examined; Case analyzes of entrepreneurship are explained by evaluating with international and Turkish examples in the historical process.
ISL410 Human Resources Management 5
Within the scope of this course, major theoretical approaches related to human resources strategy, psychological contracts, corporate commitment, motivation, corporate justice will be discussed.
LNG402 English Language VIII 3
English Language VIII
ISL492 Bitirme Projesi II 6
Bitirme Projesi II
Seçmeli Dersler
ISL308 Marka Yönetimi 4
Marka Yönetimi
ISL304 E-Commerce 5
This course focuses on concepts related to marketing and commerce practices on the internet in the digital business age. The definition/types of electronic commerce, its historical development, internet marketing and sales, internet marketing research, internet banking, and internet payment systems will be examined.
ISL405 International Marketing 5
In this course, basic marketing concepts such as macro-environmental factors affecting international marketing strategies, marketing research, market segmentation, target marketing, positioning are discussed from an international marketing perspective. Learning strategies for entering international markets, marketing mix in international marketing, and how decisions are made are learned.
ISL407 International Finance 5
In this course, the management processes of multinational companies are examined from a financial perspective, within the framework of basic international finance theories. Within the framework of basic economics and financial principles used in international finance, knowledge is provided for international financial decision processes.
ISL409 Innovation Management 5
In this course, product and process innovation, innovation strategies, innovation resources, and innovation management will be examined.
ISL406 Current Business Case Studies 5
In this course, contemporary business case studies of the 21st century will be evaluated from a historical perspective with a cause-effect relationship.
ISL408 Entrepreneurship 5
In this course, examinations and evaluations are made about the economic, legal, financial, behavioral, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of different types. Factors affecting entrepreneurship are examined; Case analyzes of entrepreneurship are explained by evaluating with international and Turkish examples in the historical process.
ISL410 Human Resources Management 5
Within the scope of this course, major theoretical approaches related to human resources strategy, psychological contracts, corporate commitment, motivation, corporate justice will be discussed.

Academic Staff

Professor Tunçdan Baltacıoğlu

Professor Mehmet Hulusi Demir

Professor Ahmet Öztürk

Professor Tayfun Turgay

Professor Özgür Ünal Eriş

Professor Narçin Palavan Ünsal

Associate Professor Muhammed Eyyüp Sallabaş

Dr. Yaprak Baran Tecir

Dr. Selen Artan Bayhan

Dr. Ali Eşkinat

Dr. Münir Gökmen

Dr. Sibel Kumbasar Bayraktar

Dr. Emrah Özbay

Dr. Sertaç Polat

Lecturer Reyhan Çelik

Lecturer Gözde Küçükyılmaz

Lecturer Emre Kurtoğlu

Lecturer Ülkü Özcan

Lecturer Mustafa Cem Pehlivan
